Raspberry Pi workshop for Teens!

May 30th, 7:30pm

Supported by Fab Foundation Ireland, and in collaboration with CoderDojo Limerick/Nenagh: An introduction to the amazing power of the Raspberry Pi especially for teenagers


This event is supported by Fab Foundation Ireland. This workshop is a collaboration between Coderdojo Limerick and Fab Lab Limerick. The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard usb keyboard and mouse. Don’t let their size fool you however. The Raspberry Pi is an incredibly versatile device that makers around the world have used to power some fantastic projects. Join us during European Maker Week and take your first step into the world of hardware hacking.

During the workshop we’ll learn about the components of a computer, electrical circuits, python programming and more. Suitable for anyone aged 13+ Places are free, but please book here

Fab Foundation Ireland is an all-island network of digital fabrication laboratories. Fab Labs make available at street level within communities a range of digital fabrication technologies, including computer aided design and manufacturing and 3D printing. The principal objective of Fab Foundation Ireland is to encourage and support the establishment of Fab Labs on the island of Ireland.